Adult Dancing Jive Classes
Woodford Dolmen HotelLearn to dance with Declan and explore a new world of Jive, waltz, quickstep and lots of more. Dancing classes on Wednesday Nights at Woodford Dolmen Hotel. €10 for adults […]
Learn to dance with Declan and explore a new world of Jive, waltz, quickstep and lots of more. Dancing classes on Wednesday Nights at Woodford Dolmen Hotel. €10 for adults […]
Adult Dancing Thursdays evenings at 9pm. Pick your dancing shoes to enjoy much dancing with Andy Feeery. For more information, please contact the event organiser, Tommy Doran at 868032407
Are you ready to make changes to achieve a weight loss ahead of Christmas? No need to hold on until the New Year! Come along and learn how you can […]
Join us for the 3senses - Connect Business to Business Networking Event which is all about sharing what you know to help others grow. The panel with the help of Bryan Dobson will offer advice, sharing their story, and give you the tools so we all can make a positive impact on professional someone’s life. […]
Learn to dance with Declan and explore a new world of Jive, waltz, quickstep and lots of more. Dancing classes on Wednesday Nights at Woodford Dolmen Hotel. €10 for adults and €5 under 18. Under 13 and over 80 are free!
Admission €20 - Payable at the Door. Doors Open @ 9 pm. Early Dancing to a country DJ Band on Stage @ 10:30 pm. To book please call 087 993 3437
Join us for an afternoon of Craft and food Fairs with Flower Demonstrations organised by Bilboa Parish on Sunday, 17th Nov from 12 noon to 4.30pm. The flower demonstrations will be on the hour, commencing at 1 p.m. A public raffle will also take place on the day. No admission fee.
Learn to dance with Declan and explore a new world of Jive, waltz, quickstep and lots of more. Dancing classes on Wednesday Nights at Woodford Dolmen Hotel. €10 for adults […]
Adult Dancing Thursdays evenings at 9pm. Pick your dancing shoes to enjoy much dancing with Limelight. For more information, please contact the event organiser, Tommy Doran at 868032407
Learn to dance with Declan and explore a new world of Jive, waltz, quickstep and lots of more. Dancing classes on Wednesday Nights at Woodford Dolmen Hotel. €10 for adults […]